Get Real Answers
Genesys PHO's Real Answers Data Reporting Service is committed to improving patient outcomes by providing clear, comprehensive information about your healthcare organization. Our niche focus on Provider Organization data drove us to develop a comprehensive suite of performance tracking tools for Healthcare leaders. The Real Answers Healthcare Data Reporting suite leverages data into actionable insights to help each client organization understand local, regional, and national trends compared to their current financial benchmarks, medical utilization, panel metrics, population health, and total costs of care.
This downloadable PDF offers key insights into the services and support available.
The Problems
You have invested in getting solid data, but have been unable to easily get to actionable insights through reporting.
Your incentive programs require disease management by diagnosis grouping but it’s difficult to manage effectively.
PCP incentives from health plans seem to be decreasing every year or have targets which are increasingly difficult to manage.
Your providers are struggling to manage total cost of care and you need PCP level reports which help them to understand where the dollars are spent.
The Solutions
Our Financial Dashboard brings clarity to your panel attribution changes, the strength of your network and allows your team to focus on the solutions rather than the problems.
Our Risk Adjusted PCP level reporting helps your providers to identify where their total cost of care is spent, where services are more expensive and less effective for their patients, and reveal insights to help patients avoid unnecessary ED and IP Costs.
We tailor incentive reporting and a PCP incentive payout structure to directly address your most impactful incentive programs. Monthly tracking of these elements will help you keep each provider focused on the target without overwhelming them in data and reports from each health plan.
We can risk stratify your entire population and provide patient lists by PCP. Our disease state flags allow us to easily label each population and display individual patient risk scores relative to the panel.
Our Services
Reported KPI's
% ED Admits |
% Eligible for CM |
% High Spend Patients |
% IN Network Referrals |
% In Risk Contracts |
% Patients with Visit |
% Referred to Care Management |
% With Visit |
Admits per 1,000 |
After Hours Cases/Costs |
After Hours Visits per 1,000 |
All Cause 30 Day Readmission Rate |
Ambulatory Surgery Cases/Costs |
Attributed Patients |
Average Panel Size |
Average Risk |
Avg Patient Distance from Affiliated Hospital |
Categorized Claims/Costs |
Categorized Inpatient Admission Cases/Costs |
Cost Performance Index |
ED Visits per 1,000 |
ED Visits/Costs |
Follow-Up in 7 Days |
Health System % Of Admits |
Health System % Of ED |
Panel Size |
Patients Per PCP |
PMPM- Total, Expected, Risk Adjusted |
Quality Performance Index |
Relative Risk |
Risk Membership |
Total Performance Score |